...some were born to sing the blues
so everyone's talking about this sopranos thing, huh? it reminds me of that old phil collins video where he keeps slapping at a fly, or maybe it was rik ocasek - the fly, not phil collins...nevermind... anyway; "so 'ow does it end?" personally i loved the "ending". In my opinion Tony got whacked. Earlier in the season when he's at the lake with Bobby, they're talking about getting hit, and Bobby says something to the effect of, "You wouldn't even see it coming." Tony doesn't. He dies, the show goes black and the music stops. Turn out the lights. When we kick it, all our plot strings are still left dangling, but at least we don't care about that anymore. It's over. It doesn't matter which of the shady characters in the place did him in. And even if he didn't croak, I think Chase did a fucking great job during the last ten minutes of the show conveying the hell that is Tony's existence. Worrying about every single person that comes through the door, thinking it could be the one. So maybe he's still alive, but it's hardly a happily ever after. Or maybe Iran launched a nuke at New York and missed, hitting a Jersey suburb. Who knows? Not Tony. He's dead. Or not. more uninformed opinions here: I think T was representative of America today; A rich, fat polluter who really doesn't give a shit about anything but money. And if he was America, then A.J. was a blue state; he gets all worked up over the fucked up state of the world, but he was easily distracted by something shiny and new (a beamer and a paycheck for doing next to nothing), quickly forgetting all about the problems in the world around him. Making Meadow the red state; in total denial and wants to become a lawyer because of the injustices faced by her dad. You know, getting arrested for breaking the law and shit. Scooter Libby, anyone? Oh yeah, and she's also going to be getting this cushy, high-paying job because of some guy she knows. hmmmm... I guess that makes Carm... Laura Bush? Hillary? i dunno. But damn, what a fucking great series that was. Ciao, Sopranos. posted by scott 3:57 PM |
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