another fucking rant.
The Baldwin thing - this is just madness... WHO THE HELL CARES? it happens ALL the time, a parent blows up at their kid. The media is the goddamn problem. Alec left a message for his daughter, not for anyone else - now every night the news is replaying it and having talking heads come in and comment on it, how do you think that makes the kid feel? It's not fucking news. it's just not. ...and it's not like there's no real news they could be reporting. the problem is not Baldwin, hell, it's not Rosie or Imus or even Phil Spector - it's the media in this country constantly pandering to the lowest common denominator checkout line magazine fluff celebrity trash. It needs to get back to the thousands of issues that actually affect everyone in this country, and start educating the masses so they can be a much better informed electorate come november '08. How fucked up is it that most americans could tell you how many times britney has been to rehab or paris has lost her blackberry, yet probably couldn't name one elected official from their district? Sanjaya and Michael Richards aren't your voice on capitol hill, people. Pay more attention to the people in power than the people on the hollywood power list. We've been seeing exactly what happens when we don't for quite a while now, and it's not looking too great. posted by scott 9:06 AM 4.13.2007
a quick little rant
on this whole fucking Imus debacle. all of you fucking idiots that are calling this a violation of his first amendment rights are fucking idiots. he said what he said, and he could say it again if he wants. is he in jail? is congress passing a law against saying "nappy headed hos"? (well, not yet...) he was fired because the companies he works for (or, more accurately, the companies that advertise with the companies he works for) felt his comments were unacceptable. you go ahead and call some black woman you work with a nappy headed ho. see how long you keep your job. you won't go to jail for saying it, though, and that's all the first amendment promises. as for him being offensive in the past, well duh. he's a fucking idiot. posted by scott 10:26 AM 4.12.2007
so it goes...
"When I think of my own death, I don't console myself with the idea that my descendants and my books and all that will live on. Anybody with any sense knows that the whole Solar System will go up like a celluloid collar by-and-by. I honestly believe, though, that we are wrong to think that moments go away, never to be seen again. This moment and every moment lasts forever." i blame bush. posted by scott 12:27 PM 4.08.2007 |
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