We All Dream Alone


give a man an inch...

and he'll take 100 burgers with 100 slices of cheese, please

the full story is here




i watched bush (try to)speak this morning, and all i really heard was:

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Warrantless Domestic Spying is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

the Terrorist Surveillance Program is not illegal!

do you believe him now?



ah, civil disobedience!

found this over at boing boing

gonzales was giving a speech to law students at Georgetown, allegedly* about the legality of bush's domestic wiretapping, when all of the students turned their back to him as another group of students entered in black hoods with the sign above.

fucking a.

*i say allegedly, cause i can't find an actual news story on this, just a blog post
- pictures tell a thousand words though, right?


jack bauer kicks so much fucking ass.

that will be all.


clowns to the left of me...

usually you see someone's conscience depicted as a devil over one shoulder, angel over the other.

this certainly seems more appropriate, given the someone involved:

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scott mcnicol