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you chickenshit poltroons!!
holy christ. someone needs to invent the chill pill, and force feed it to this freak... warning:insane cyclist ahead UPDATE: this guy has been busy john gobin somethingorother posted by scott 2:10 PM 7.18.2005
millón dólar bebé
this is great. 5 parter from the LA times with some fantastic writing. it should be up for a pugilitzer. yeah i know, groan-inducing pun. just read the damn thing! seniesa's story posted by scott 2:58 PM 7.15.2005
i always thought loki was the stoner...
this is almost as good as that "spiderman reviewing crayons thing" i posted a while ago thor rolls a joint posted by scott 3:17 PM 7.12.20057.08.2005
flame on
I'm a comic book geek. or i should say i was... i'll still ocassionally pick up a graphic novel or trade paperback collection at barnes and noble, but i haven't been in a 'comic book store' for years. when i was really young i had a subscription to star wars and spiderman, and would make my mom or grampy buy me a hulk or batman from the revolving rack at the corner store once in a while. that was pretty much the extent of it. flip to a few years later, i'm about 10 or 11. my aunt and uncle took me up to sebago lake for a week. i hated water and the sun at the time, so a summer vacation at the lake was kind of torture for me. luckily, the little general store/gift shop there had one of those revolving racks! this time with my own money i bought a john byrne issue of fantastic four, and i was hooked. i think i ended up buying one of every comic on that rack during the week, and devoured them. that all led to the geekiness of spending hours after school in new england comics, buying back issue after back issue, hoping the next one i want/needed wasn't on the wall, cause those were usually $7-$10. there was just too much parental begging involved in getting one of those. the FF (and john byrne) really were the spark that started it all, which brings me to my point. i'm not going to go see the fantastic four movie (barring exceptional reviews from my friends). I think the punisher and catwoman are the only comic book movies i've missed during the current wave of them. catwoman on purpose, the punisher not so much. the first superman (granted, not one of the current wave), X2, batman begins, and spiderman 2 are outstanding examples of how to do it right. elektra and daredevil, not so much. but i try and lose myself in the movie and enjoy suspending my disbelief nonetheless. i honestly think if you had taken the frigging sum41 and good charlotte songs out of daredevil it would have been much better. oh yeah, my point... chiklis as the thing is perfect. having the guy that directed barbershop and taxi direct the fantastic four, ah... no. barely having a score and having a soundtrack filled with todays hottest bands? no. altering the origin story so that their greatest enemy was along with them for the ride and got his 'powers' the same way? no. a (bizzare) love triangle between doctor doom, mr fantastic, and the invisible girl? no. jessica alba as the invisible girl? hot, but... no. too many fucking no's there, even if they're geeky no's. this would have been an easy movie to get right, they had about 40 years of backstory to pull from. instead we get a bullshit reimagining, which is another word for piece of shit. maybe i'm wrong, and i really hope i am, but i've got a bad feeling about this. ah well, there's still X3! ...and they're working on fucking that one up too. make mine marvel? posted by scott 8:54 AM 7.06.2005
judging judy
i'm confused. right winger robert novak writes a column in the washington post, in which he blows the cover of CIA agent valerie plame. the information was leaked to him by two high ranking sources in the bush administration, allegedly as payback for plame's husband, joseph wilson, telling the truth about what he found in Niger after the administration had publicly spun it into a lie. democrats demand an investigation, and the administration assigns a special counsel. judith miller of the new york times and matt cooper of time magazine, who won't reveal their sources for articles written ABOUT the leak and subsequent article by novak, are targeted by said counsel. about to be sentenced to jail, cooper gets permission from his source to come clean, but miller keeps her mouth shut, and is now serving jail time for contempt of court. so, in order to retaliate against joseph wilson for simply telling the truth, the bush administration leaks the identity of his CIA operative wife to novak of the washington post. (i think we can all agree that the post leans just a tad to the right, no?) the administration then assigns counsel to the investigation of the leak, who focuses on two reporters for outlets that can be a bit more critical of the bush admin than the post. i guess i'm not as confused as i thought. put simply, novak does the dirty work for the bush administration and gets a free pass while miller reports on novaks dirty work, and is now serving jail time. hmm. what makes me think that lil' kim's jail sentence will get more play than judith miller's over the next few days? fucking hell. "If you're not with us, you're against us." - G.W. Bush "fuck you, mr president." - me posted by scott 1:53 PM |
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