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when is a joke not a joke?
when it has a realistic ending. actually, some of them are now funnier... posted by scott 2:17 PM 4.15.2005
ladies and gentlemen,
i give you... the legend of sasquatch mountain! don't say i didn't warn ya. cause i just did, right there. and puki, the game posted by scott 11:29 PM 4.08.2005
here, moby can explain it better than me
this kind of shit has really been bothering me lately, probably cause it's been on all the news channels 24/7 what with schiavo and shit. south park said it all pretty well too, but i can't post the whole episode here. i can post mobys rant, though. so i will. from mobys journal fcc and indecency Apr 05, 2005 - New York City i've written about this before, but the list of things that are considered 'indecent' by the fcc in the united states really does surprise me. i'm flying from los angeles to nyc as i write this, and there's an in-flight movie wherein hundreds of people are being killed. and no one bats an eye. there goes another person, killed in a gruesome manner, and businessmen and parents and senior citizens and kids are all watching happily. but if one of the female characters were to show a breast, or if one of the characters said 'fuck', or if two of the characters were to have sex, then it's safe to say that almost every person on the plane would be outraged and the airline would be boycotted by right-wing groups and the right-wing media pundits would talk about the lack of decency and values in hollywood. so let's look at this objectively, ok? the right-wing in america(bill frist, tom delay, etc)are obsessed with the sanctity of life, right? but no one bats an eye when movies or tv shows are made that show thousands of people being brutally killed. and if a movie that might be seen on television or by a general audience shows a breast(whose primary anatomic purpose is to give life, mr frist and mr delay), fines are levied and people become apopleptic with righteous indignation. and the two worst things, according to the right-wing and the fcc, that could be shown on television are 2 people having sex(again, which is what people do when they want to create or celebrate life) or saying the word 'fuck'(which is a word that describes the act of procreation). so the right-wing claim to be the guardians of 'the sanctity of life', but they're not bothered by the cinematic representation of brutal killing and at the same time they're enraged by: naked people, people procreating, and words describing procreation(fuck)or bodily functions(shit). isn't there a logical disconnect here? and why doesnt anyone in the media ever ask the bill frists and tom delays of the world some simple questions, like: if you believe in the sanctity of life then how can you be pro-death penalty and pro-war and allow kids to have access to automatic assault weapons? and if you believe in the sanctity of life then why are you offended by cinematic depictions of life(breasts, genitalia, sex) but yet you're not offended by cinematic depictions of gruesome killing and torture? you know that i like the show '24'. and on 24 they routinely show people being killed and tortured. it's safe to say, however, that if a single bare breast or naked penis were shown on 24 that the fcc would fine the networks and the show would be cancelled. go figure. -moby P.S. (me again) i really wish there would be more (as in some) reporting on all the bullshit threats de lay has been spouting against the "activist" judges. if one of us, as a private citizen, were to say the shit he's been saying about a federal employee, we'd be in abu gitmo indefinitely. here's someone reporting on it, from salon Was DeLay's threat a crime? Tom DeLay won't say what he meant when he said Thursday that "the time will come for the men responsible" for the death of Terri Schiavo "to answer for their behavior." But New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg has a pretty good idea of what DeLay meant -- and he says DeLay's threats may have amounted to a felony. In a letter sent today to DeLay, Lautenberg said he was "stunned to read the threatening comments" DeLay had directed at "federal judges and our nation's courts of law in general." "As you are surely aware, the family of Federal Judge Joan H. Lefkow of Illinois was recently murdered in their home," Lautenberg wrote. "And at the state level, Judge Rowland W. Barnes and others in his courtroom were gunned down in Georgia. "Our nation’s judges must be concerned for their safety and security when they are asked to make difficult decisions every day. That’s why comments like those you made are not only irresponsible, but downright dangerous. To make matters worse, is it appropriate to make threats directed at specific federal and state judges? You should be aware that your comments yesterday may violate a federal criminal statute, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 115 (a)(1)(B). That law states: "'Whoever threatens to assault…. or murder, a United States judge… with intent to retaliate against such… judge…. on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished [by up to six years in prison].' "Threats against specific federal judges are not only a serious crime, but also beneath a member of Congress. In my view, the true measure of democracy is how it dispenses justice. Your attempt to intimidate judges in America not only threatens our courts, but our fundamental democracy as well. "Federal judges, as well as state and local judges in our nation, are honorable public servants who make difficult decisions every day. You owe them – and all Americans – an apology for your reckless statements." just imagine if the roles were somehow reversed, and a democrat had made that statement. the republicans would already have him in jail. the dems are such fucking pussies it makes me sick. eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, you pieces of shit. anyway. have a nice weekend! posted by scott 2:09 PM 4.06.2005
idol prediction
showtunes. ugh. not my favorite. apparently not simons either. but vonzell's people (who need people), constantine's my funny valentine and nikko's one hand, one heart were all great. i think "hideous" anthony federov will be the first guy outed... i mean ousted. although with his rap sheet, scott might not have gotten many votes, either. nadia will probably be the other one in the bottom three, just cause she usually is. we'll find out. after the break, of course. posted by scott 12:17 PM |
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