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i had this idea years ago, damnit!! years ago!! Alf to Host Television Special NEW YORK - Ed McMahon has found the unlikeliest of talk-show hosts to replace Johnny Carson (news): Alf (news - web sites), the alien from the planet Melmac. McMahon will be announcing "Heeeere's Alf!" on a half-hour special that will air July 7 on TV Land, the cable channel said. "Alf's Hit Talk Show" will rely on the tried and true format of a late-night talk show with monologue, banter and guests — with one significant alteration: an alien from a popular `80s TV sitcom as host. Alf will be joined by guests Dennis Franz (news) of "NYPD Blue (news - web sites)" and comedian Drew Carey (news), with special appearances by Joan Rivers and Henry Winkler. As for TV Land's faith in him to join the ranks of David Letterman, Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien, Alf said in a recent statement: "They have demonstrated superb taste by giving me my own show and it's humbling that they recognize my unequaled genius." Whether the show is, in fact, a "hit" will depend on the reception of the half-hour special, which could be developed into a series, TV Land said. Following "Alf's Hit Talk Show," TV Land will run a four-episode marathon of classic "Alf" shows. The comedy about a furry alien wiseguy who lives with an Earth family after crashing into their garage ran from 1986-90. posted by scott 8:09 AM 6.18.2004
gmail... this is from wil wheatons blog. its a great idea. no one invited me, but if anyone reading this has extra ones, see if you can help out... support our troops -- send them your GMail invites! I keep reading about how soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are having their tours extended long beyond when they expected to come home, and their morale is suffering as a result. Thankfully, many of our soldiers are able to stay in touch with friends and family via the Internet, but their e-mail access is often very limited. WWdN reader Drew sent me the following note earlier today: I will send you an invitation for the hard to get Gmail if you post something on your site telling others to give their invites to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. See, Google gives 1 gig of email space, perfect for movies and pictures from home, but it's invite only. When you get an account you will get invites too, and if you could pass them along to those who need em that would rule. I think this is a fantastic idea, and an easy, but very powerful way for many of us to help support our troops. GMail gives users 1 GIG of free storage space, which is more than enough for pictures, movies, sound files . . . all sorts of things that could help our servicemen and women feel a little closer to home. The thing about GMail is that it's currently invite-only, so I e-mailed Drew back, and asked him if he had some sort of clearinghouse set up for soldiers to submit requests for invites. He responded: No, but about 10 of us are trolling www.gmailswap.com looking for folks in the military. See, once you talk to one of them, they pass an email along to fellows stationed with them, so we're just trying to dole them out as we get the request. There's no way to know how long Gmail will be invite only, but SGT Tim Knowles in Afghanistan said that good morale is hard to come by out there and in Iraq, and the guys are buzzing about the possibilities of 1 gig. They all seem to have hotmail and well it's weak. I'm going to look into getting a site together or at least a list. Of course, there are epic assholes online who will pose as soldiers so they can get invites, but I think it's completely worth the risk. So here is your challenge, WWdN readers: Help spread the word about this effort, and keep checking back here for a link to the soon-to-be-built clearinghouse for requests. If you're a designer, and you would like to donate some time, or a host who would like to donate some space and / or bandwidth, send me an e-mail and I'll pass it along to Drew. If you're a reporter, maybe you'd like to do a story about a bunch of nerds who are working to do something cool to support our troops. Maybe your story will be seen by some other people who can get on board, and together, we can make a positive difference! If you're a Google employee, maybe you'd like to come up with a way to ensure that members of the armed services can get GMail acocunts, no matter what. If you're a fellow blogger, you can link this post, or the clearinghouse website when it goes live. And of course, if you're a GMail account-holder, you can use those invites that are piling up (I've sent out six in the last week) to do something really cool for some people who are making an incredible sacrifice right now. Okay, now you know what to do, so get to it! posted by scott 9:59 AM 6.17.2004
huh? **backstory:neils roommate has a kickass huge as hell fucking tv** RevNeilrock: i was an hour late for work this morning cuz i was watching anna nicole smith on kimmel last night 3 inches from the screen cuz it was bugging me out Scott5309: can i post that sentence on my blog? RevNeilrock: certainly Scott5309: i have no idea what youre talking about RevNeilrock: i stayed up late, and then overslept because i was hypnotized by the life sized anna nicole in my living room Scott5309: i see posted by scott 2:33 PM
bikes against bush "Bikes Against Bush transforms ordinary bicycles into Internet enabled, tactical media weapons for non-violent, creative resistance to the RNC. First and foremost, Bikes Against Bush is a wireless bicycle consisting of an ordinary bicycle with an embedded laptop computer, a bluetooth-enabled cell phone affixed to the handlebars, a bluetooth-enabled GPS device, and a webcam. Additionally, Bikes Against Bush incorporates a homemade, robotic printing device consisting of a series of spray-chalk aerosol cans that can print chalked text messages on streets and sidewalks while the bicycle is in motion. Once an initial prototype bicycle is created, I will work with various creative resistance groups opposing the 2004 Republican National Convention to replicate the design." read more here very cool. posted by scott 11:37 AM
fucking tucker read this. nothing like exaggerating and just plain making up shit to prove your points. journalism, baby. posted by scott 11:31 AM
fantastic four this is what the things gonna look like... posted by scott 9:43 AM
Shirt with a tie, basic of a gentleman. Huh? that just about sums this up. i know i've posted it before, but i think it was back in livejournal... you can hurt yourself laughing at the translations in this one, so be warned. posted by scott 8:18 AM 6.16.2004
vacation... me and angie are leaving for boston on friday night. saturday night at 9 jay and the hit squad are playing at dicks last resort. be there! posted by scott 4:21 PM
the best sitcom characters ever or at least, my favorites... mostly main(ish) characters, otherwise it would be all seinfeld and simpsons. 1. george costanza 2. george costanza 3. larry david 4. larry david 5. homer simpson 6. coach (cheers' coach, not the dude from poltergeist) 7. archie bunker 8. dr. cox (and really, the rest of the cast of scrubs) 9. reverend jim or kramer, does it really make a difference? 10. joey (i know, i know, but he just fucking cracks me up!) i know i left a bunch off, but i had to make room for costanza/david posted by scott 2:38 PM 6.11.2004
everything you always wanted to know about zombie reagan ...but were afraid to ask. posted by scott 1:50 PM 6.08.2004
A Little Perspective By Michael Moore If you can't get through this list without wanting to throw up, I'll understand. But pass it around anyway. This is the nail in the Iraq War's coffin for any sane, thinking individual, regardless of their political stripe. (Thanks to Tom Paine.com and the Center for American Progress.) To get some perspective, here are some real-life comparisons about what $87 billion means: $87 Billion is more than the combined total of all State budget deficits in the United States. The Bush administration proposed absolutely zero funds to help states deal with these deficits, despite the fact that their tax cuts drove down state revenues. [Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities]. $87 Billion is enough to pay the 3.3 million people who have lost jobs under George W. Bush $26,363.00 each! The unemployment benefits extension passed by Congress at the beginning of this year provides zero benefits to workers who exhausted their regular, state unemployment benefits and cannot find work [Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities]. $87 Billion is more than double the total amount the government spends on Homeland Security. The U.S. spends about $36 billion on homeland security. Yet, Sen. Warren Rudman (R- N.H.) wrote, America will fall approximately $98 .4 billion short of meeting critical emergency responder needs for homeland security without a funding increase. [Source: Council on Foreign Relations]. $87 Billion is 87 times the amount the Federal Government spends on After School Programs. George W. Bush proposed a budget that reduces the $1 billion for after-school programs to $600 million cutting off about 475,000 children from the program. [Source: The Republican-dominated House Appropriations Committee]. $87 Billion is more that 10 times what the Government spends on all environmental Protection. The Bush administration requested just $7.6 billion for the entire Environmental Protection Agency. This included a 32 percent cut to water quality grants, a 6 percent reduction in enforcement staff, and a 50 percent cut to land acquisition and conservation. [Source: Natural Resources Defense Council]. There you go. In black and white. A few million of you will receive this letter. Please share the above with at least a half-dozen people today and tomorrow. I, like you, do not want to see another approval rating over 50 percent. Yours, Michael Moore posted by scott 11:15 AM 6.07.2004
this is almost beyond belief... i first read (a bastardized version of) it on a conspiracy blog, but then traced it's origins back to this story i somehow never heard a thing about... berg and moussaoui? i thought the whole detained by the US government when he was trying to leave was odd, and then the fact that out of all the people over there, he's one of the (probably many, but still) people moore interviewed for fahrenheit 9/11. and then this? don't call me a fucked in the head conspiracy theorist, but c'mon, we're obviously not getting the whole story here... posted by scott 6:11 PM 6.04.2004
fun on friday... if i hadda hammah posted by scott 2:02 PM
if it's not scottish... it's crap!! a little saying made famous by an actor playing a grumpy old scotsman, who would go on to play a much more famous grumpy green scottish-sounding ogre. my point? gothika is by no means scottish. just so you know. HEID!!! posted by scott 8:49 AM 6.03.2004
my beauties... i've been away from you all for too long, due to some serious work-related blog neglection. it's still gonna be a while until i can post on a regular basis. quickly, though: troy is no good the day after tomorrow is a great mindless summer flick where everything gets destroyed super size me should be required viewing for all high schools and parents i got a year older (although i guess every day you get a year older than you were a year ago, no?) i have superlative and profound math skillz (see above) manny homering in the first sox game ive been to in a couple years doesnt take the sting out of pedro giving up 7 runs but it was still fucking awesome tenet is a scapegoat but his resignation is not a bad thing saying it was for personal reasons is pretty shady though no one in the current administration will ever admit a mistake was made, unless they quit first and then write a 800+ page book in which many mistakes are described in detail work sucks so does bush mcnicol out! posted by scott 4:12 PM |
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