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aloha! seeya jasmine!! next week should be good... both great singers. jasmine just hung in there wayyy too long. my moneys on fantasia, and it has been since the beginning. i think. ill have to go back and check my posts. my first idol post was... i'm gonna try this every week. see what a judge of talent and/or the american psyche i am. moving on tonight will be... fantasia barrino and diana degarmo and from a month ago... my favorite is still a toss-up between fantasia (who was by far the best last night, best of the competition so far) and george. i guess i'm a decent judge of talent and/or the american psyche... mcnicol out! posted by scott 2:28 PM 5.19.2004
not so far from the center... it's just the current administration i'm rabid about. that thing was just too big and hindering easy access to my sidebar. so seeya. fairly lame questions, though... posted by scott 11:10 AM 5.18.2004
what would jesus do? While the language of apocalyptic Christianity is absent from George W. Bush's speeches, he has proven eager to work with apocalyptics; a point of pride for Upton. "We're in constant contact with the White House," he boasts. "I'm briefed at least once a week via telephone briefings. . . . I was there about two weeks ago . . . At that time we met with the president." When Pastor Upton was asked to explain why the group's website describes the Apostolic Congress as "the Christian Voice in the nation's capital," instead of simply a Christian voice in the nation's capital, he responded, "There has been a real lack of leadership in having someone emerge as a Christian voice, someone who doesn't speak for the right, someone who doesn't speak for the left, but someone who speaks for the people, and someone who speaks from a theocratical perspective." When his words were repeated back to him to make sure he had said a "theocratical" perspective, not a "theological" perspective, he said, "Exactly. Exactly. We want to know what God would have us say or what God would have us do in every issue." the whole thing is here. I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs, i just get chills when it affects policy decisions. posted by scott 10:57 AM 5.17.2004
gollum/smeagol interviews michael moore no, really! here posted by scott 4:43 PM 5.13.2004
that bum rush... LIMBAUGH: You know, there are all kinds of people in this country, some of them Democrats, elected Democrats, who say, "We need to see all these pictures from this prison, from the Abu Ghraib prison. Need to see them. We need to see every sordid detail, because we have a right to know, the American people need to know what's being done in their name, we want to see it. All the sodomy, we want to see those light sticks, have you heard about this?" What are those light sticks? I can't think of the name of them. Some prisoners were apparently sodomized with these light sticks. Now, remember when a cigar was used in the oval office? "Hey, it's just sex. It's not going to get in the way of the way anybody leads or does their job. There's nothing here." Now all of a sudden, we've got to see all of these pictures. only that fathead would equate a consensual sex act with sticking light sticks up prisoners asses. well, i'm sure ann coulter would too. you big fat fucking idiot, it IS just sex. its NOT going to get in the way of the way anybody leads or does their job. sodomizing prisoners with glow sticks is abuse and torture. a married man getting off an intern with a cigar sure ain't right, but it's hardly comparable. clinton lied under oath about cheating on his wife, and possibly abused his power, and he was impeached. he "didn't inhale" and that became a scandal. bush lied about the reason he sent hundreds of thousands of troops to war, and is spending billions of american taxpayers money on that war. he won't talk about what he did in the 70s, and no one really calls him on it. it's the double standards that kill me, folks. kill me. posted by scott 3:01 PM 5.12.2004
lies, lies, lies, yeah diana said something about clinton getting called out on the whole lying about a blowjob thing. if you've got the time, the patience, and one of those stress ball thingys you can squeeze instead of punching stuff, read this. rationale. that looks suspiciously like a french word to me... posted by scott 6:59 PM
idol if it ain't jasmine gone, it's bullshit. and at this point, i think its gonna be between fantasia and diana at the end... posted by scott 3:17 PM
she was also ordered to say "cheese" more on that lovely american woman in the abu ghraib pics. from the globe today: ...''I was instructed by persons in higher rank to `stand there, hold this leash, look at the camera,' and they took picture for PsyOps (psychological operations),'' she (england) told the station. ''I didn't really, I mean, want to be in any pictures,'' she said. She also said she thought ''it was kind of weird.'' ... ...''We don't feel like we were doing things that we weren't supposed to because we were told to do them,'' England said. ''We think everything was justified because we were instructed to do this and to do that.'' After meeting with England, attorney Giorgio Ra'Shadd said she shouldn't be used as a scapegoat by the military. ''You don't see my client doing anything abusive at all,'' Ra'Shadd said in an interview. ''I think she was ordered to smile.'' posted by scott 10:28 AM 5.11.2004
my new favorite website. media matters pointing out all the news that should be unfit to print "...Media Matters for America will document and correct conservative misinformation in each news cycle. Media Matters for America will monitor cable and broadcast news channels, print media and talk radio, as well as marginal, right-wing websites that often serve as original sources of misinformation for well-known conservative and mainstream media outlets." i love it. yeah, i know you knew i would, but sofa king what?!?!? i love it anyway. (thanks, mark... i love that sofa king shit too...) posted by scott 1:31 PM 5.06.2004
im afraid of americans excerpts from this in todays daily telegraph Good ol' girl who enjoyed cruelty By SHARON CHURCHER in Fort Ashby May 7, 2004 POINTING crudely at the genitals of a naked, hooded Iraqi, the petite brunette with a cigarette hanging from her lips epitomised America's shame over revelations US soldiers routinely tortured inmates at Abu Ghraib jail near Baghdad. Lynndie England, 21, a rail worker's daughter, comes from a trailer park in Fort Ashby, West Virginia, which locals proudly call "a backwoods world". She faces a court martial, but at home she is toasted as a hero. At the dingy Corner Club Saloon they think she has done nothing wrong. "A lot of people here think they ought to just blow up the whole of Iraq," Colleen Kesner said. "To the country boys here, if you're a different nationality, a different race, you're sub-human. That's the way girls like Lynndie are raised. "Tormenting Iraqis, in her mind, would be no different from shooting a turkey. Every season here you're hunting something. Over there, they're hunting Iraqis." In Fort Ashby, in the isolated Appalachian mountains 260km west of Washington, the poor, barely-educated and almost all-white population talk openly about an active Ku Klux Klan presence. There is little understanding of the issues in Iraq and less of why photographs showing soldiers from the 372nd Military Police Company, mostly from around Fort Ashby, abusing prisoners has caused a furore. Like many, England signed up to make money and see the world. After her tour of duty, she planned to settle down and marry her first love, Charles Graner. Down a dirt track at the edge of town, in the trailer where England grew up, her mother Terrie dismissed the allegations against her daughter as unfair. "They were just doing stupid kid things, pranks. And what the Iraqis do to our men and women are just? The rules of the Geneva Convention, do they apply to everybody or just us?" she asked. She said she didn't know where her daughter was being held, but had spoken to her on the phone. "She told me nothing happened which wasn't ordered by higher up," she said. "They are trying to pin all of this on the lower ranks. My daughter was just following orders. I think there's a conspiracy. " A colleague of Lynndie's father said people in Fort Ashby were sick of the whingeing. "We just had an 18-year-old from round here killed by the Iraqis," he said. "We went there to help the jackasses and they started blowing us up. Lynndie didn't kill 'em, she didn't cut 'em up. She should have shot some of the suckers." i'm hoping the daily telegraph is australias answer to the onion? please? posted by scott 10:03 AM
for the cat people out there and no, i don't mean natasha kinski. kitty hooch henry looks kinda like neo when he gets into the 'nip. found it at wil wheatons site. he's got a sick cat. poor kitty. i hope he gets better. posted by scott 8:13 AM
these aren't your local coca-cola bottlers polar bears... i just noticed (remembered?) that my site/name is karmacomedian so here's my favorite joke of all time. ever. there's this baby polar bear... well, maybe not a baby, he's like 7 or 8, a young polar bear, i guess. anyway, one day he rambles into the kitchen, where his mom is busy making eskimo pies. "mom?" "yes dear?" "am i a polar bear?" "what? of course you're a polar bear! your father is a polar bear, and i'm a polar bear, so that makes you one, too!" "okay." and he rambles out. a few days later he comes up to his dad in the garage, while he's fixing up the snowmobile. "dad?" "yes, son?" "am i a polar bear?" "what do you mean? your grandparents were polar bears, and your great-grandparents were polar bears... son, we're all one hunnert percent polar bear!" "okay" "now come on, son, i can see when somethings bothering you... what is it?" "well..." "you can tell me, i'm your dad. go ahead." "well dad, it's just... (scroll down) I'm fucking freezing!!!!" goddamn, i love that joke. it's one where when you tell people, they either laugh right away, or are still waiting for the (a?) punchline when you're done. it was also the first time i swore in front of my grandmother. i think i was about 20 or so. i warned her beforehand that i had to swear. she agreed after that it wouldn't have been the same without it. and after typing it out for the first time ever, i'm noticing that "polar" is one of those words that look really fucking weird. ya know what i'm sayin'? like noticing, and also also. and here's my favorite geek joke that i really should have heard when i was 8 or 9, like the aforementioned polar bear kid, but i heard it for the first time just last year. how did darth vader know what luke was getting for christmas? (down...) he felt his presents! mcnicol... out! posted by scott 7:43 AM 5.05.2004
how to be an artful dodger... well no, not really. but if you're 34 or under, you might want to start learning. this is from the toronto star WASHINGTON—The chief of the U.S. Selective Service System has proposed registering women for the military draft and requiring that young Americans regularly inform the government about whether they have training in niche specialties needed in the armed services. The proposal, which the agency's acting director Lewis Brodsky presented to senior Pentagon officials just before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, also seeks to extend the age of draft registration to 34, up from 25. The issue of a renewed draft has gained attention because of concern that U.S. military forces are stretched thin because of worldwide commitments. Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist strikes, U.S. forces have fought and won two wars, have established a major military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq and are now taking on peacekeeping duties in Haiti. The plan, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, highlights the extent to which agency officials have planned for an expanded military draft in case the administration and Congress authorize one in the future. "In line with today's needs, the Selective Service System's structure, programs and activities should be re-engineered toward maintaining a national inventory of American men and, for the first time, women, ages 18 through 34, with an added focus on identifying individuals with critical skills," the agency said in a Feb. 11, 2003, proposal presented to Pentagon officials. i have a friend who was in the army a few years back. (most of you reading this know who he is) he called a few months ago, and told me the army had just called to ask if he would take roughly a 80% paycut and come back to help them out. he said no, of course, and he told me that was just the first call. the next time they wouldn't be asking, and once that happened, we'd probably be months away from a draft if all our forces were still deployed. he's been "overseas" for a few weeks now. here's another helpful link from the star... posted by scott 2:33 PM
y kant bush apologize? you've seen the pictures. its some fucked up shit. no, bush and rumsfeld weren't there posing with them. but they are the leaders of the people who were. if some wanker employee treats you like shit at a store and you complain to the manager, most likely he'll apologize. it's not that hard. someone that works for you fucked up real bad, so spit it out. we'll see if bush actually has the balls to say he's sorry in a couple hours. if i were a betting man, i'd say he dances around it like baryshnikov. i hope i'm wrong. posted by scott 8:02 AM
jesus, big surprise here from AP Moore: Disney Blocks Distribution of Film LOS ANGELES - The Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax Films division from distributing Michael Moore (news)'s documentary "Fahrenheit 911," which criticizes President Bush (news - web sites), according to a statement on Moore's Web site. The film is highly critical of Bush's handling of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and his actions leading up the attacks. "I would have hoped by now that I would be able to put my work out to the public without having to experience the profound censorship obstacles I often seem to encounter," Moore wrote in the statement. Miramax spokesman Matthew Hiltzik did not immediately return calls for comment Wednesday. Disney spokesman John Spelich also did not return calls early Wednesday. Moore attributes Disney's decision to concerns that the documentary will endanger tax breaks the company receives from Florida and anger Bush's brother, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Disney has a contractual agreement with Miramax principals Bob and Harvey Weinstein allowing it to prevent the company from distributing films under certain circumstances, such as an NC-17 rating, according to The New York Times, which first reported the story. "Some people may be afraid of this movie because of what it will show," Moore wrote. "But there's nothing they can do about it now because it's done, it's awesome, and if I have anything to say about it, you'll see it this summer — because, after all, it is a free country." The often confrontational director won an Oscar for his 2002 documentary "Bowling for Columbine," about the Columbine High School shooting and U.S. gun control policy. He's also known for the 1989 film "Roger & Me," which explored the effects of General Motors on his hometown of Flint, Mich. "Fahrenheit 911" will be one of 18 films in competition next week at the Cannes Film Festival (news - web sites), Moore wrote. posted by scott 7:54 AM 5.03.2004
filmwise here it is i'm missing #1 and #8 somebody help me out! posted by scott 9:43 AM |
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