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powerlines it's been a while since i've posted any pics. and i'm bored now, so here they are... ![]() ![]() ![]() posted by scott 10:59 PM
i need help i can't figure out numbers 3, 5, or 7 !!! shit. filmwise someone hep me! posted by scott 3:57 PM
obligitory idol post camille and the two johns need to be the next three to go. i think it'll be camille tonight. once those three and jennifer are gone, it'll be down to the 6 that are gonna be really hard to pick between, i think they're all really good, and a much better group than last year. fantasia and george don't need to win the show at this point, they both have great distinctive voices and should get a deal as soon as the show is over. that brings me to one of the things i like about this show, it really does showcase people that probably wouldn't stand a chance in hell of getting noticed otherwise. for anyone that has ever tried to get someone that matters to notice your music, you know thats a good thing. i actually like the kimberley locke song more than anything i've heard from clay or ruben so far. she didn't win, but got a deal out of it, and this guy got one of his songs recorded. not a bad deal. at least no one has gone on to host the grind yet. is that shit still on? oh yeah, the funk brothers kicked ass as the backing band last night. kicked ass. posted by scott 2:38 PM 3.30.2004
shit, i wish i wrote this. found it on mobys blog, thomas friedman is from the times... March 28, 2004 OP-ED COLUMNIST Awaking to a Dream By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN I am so hungry for a positive surprise. I am so hungry to hear a politician, a statesman, a business leader surprise me in a good way. It has been so long.... I want to wake up and read that President Bush has decided to offer a real alternative to the stalled Kyoto Protocol to reduce global warming. I want to wake up and read that 10,000 Palestinian mothers marched on Hamas headquarters to demand that their sons and daughters never again be recruited for suicide bombings. I want to wake up and read that Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia invited Ariel Sharon to his home in Riyadh to personally hand him the Abdullah peace plan and Mr. Sharon responded by freezing Israeli settlements as a good-will gesture. I want to wake up and read that General Motors has decided it will no longer make gas-guzzling Hummers and President Bush has decided to replace his limousine with an armor-plated Toyota Prius, a hybrid car that gets over 40 miles to the gallon. I want to wake up and read that Dick Cheney has apologized to the U.N. and all our allies for being wrong about W.M.D. in Iraq, but then appealed to our allies to join with the U.S. in an even more important project - helping Iraqis build some kind of democratic framework. I want to wake up and read that Tom DeLay called for a tax hike on the rich in order to save Social Security and Medicare for the next generation and to finance all our underfunded education programs. I want to wake up and read that Justice Antonin Scalia has recused himself from ruling on the case involving Mr. Cheney's energy task force when it comes before the Supreme Court - not because Mr. Scalia did anything illegal in duck hunting with the V.P., but because our Supreme Court is so sacred, so vital to what makes our society special - its rule of law - that he wouldn't want to do anything that might have even a whiff of impropriety. I want to wake up and read that Mr. Bush has announced a Manhattan Project to develop renewable energies that will end America's addiction to crude oil by 2010. I want to wake up and read that Mel Gibson just announced that his next film will be called "Moses" and all the profits will be donated to the Holocaust Museum. Most of all, I want to wake up and read that John Kerry just asked John McCain to be his vice president, because if Mr. Kerry wins he intends not to waste his four years avoiding America's hardest problems - health care, deficits, energy, education - but to tackle them, and that can only be done with a bipartisan spirit and bipartisan team. posted by scott 11:11 AM
black in kong according to aicn, jack black signed on to play denham in peter jacksons remake of King Kong. okay, seriously though, it will now fucking rock our cocks off! (yeah, even if you dont have one) yeah, i'm talking to you, jim... posted by scott 10:34 AM 3.29.2004
94° in march? damn. i'm not exactly complaining, though i'd be happier with a nice 80° posted by scott 1:55 PM 3.26.2004
space truckin' c'mon! if this is truly what it would look like, i'd be up for it. anyone else? as long as it wasn't just me and three robots taking care of some plants, that is. o neil cylinder check out the bernal sphere too. but i'd want to live in the o'neil space, myself. posted by scott 1:45 PM
why does this remind be of bill and ted? possibly the greatest use yet for email and the internet. i'm surprised it took this long. future me posted by scott 9:59 AM 3.24.2004
happy birthday, diana! ...i couldnt make your name big too. i suck at html. posted by scott 11:12 AM
american idol hmmm, i skipped last week. oops. i think bill cosbys wife is going down this week. that would be camile, for those of you that don't understand about having a conniption fit when the kids are eating chocolate cake 'cause dad is great. although i think jon peter lewis is the worst. he fucking sucks. posted by scott 9:25 AM 3.23.2004
it's not what you're thinking, you frigging perverts. women and dogs posted by scott 1:45 PM
next 10 movies in my netflix queue... 1. alias: season 1 disc 4 2. the shield: season 2 disc 2 3. the shield: season 2 disc 3 4. serpico 5. little voice 6. bad taste 7. jeepers creepers 2 8. swimming pool 9. the virgin suicides 10. transformers:the movie now tell me yours! be honest... (and if you don't subscribe, what would they be if you did?) posted by scott 12:52 PM
my peeps never let anyone you work with know how you really feel about easter chicks (found at boing boing) posted by scott 10:17 AM 3.22.2004
from salon "I turned back to the man and asked him a question many people have been asking Iraqis lately: "Was your life better before the war?" "Yes," the man said. "Yes, yes," his family agreed. "It was better." Then I asked whether he felt the situation had been improving since the end of the war. "It's getting worse all the time," the man said. "Every day explosions. A year has passed and no law." Again, his family voiced their agreement. "We want jihad against the Americans," the man told me. When I asked whether he was Sunni or Shia, he said he was Shia, but that it did not matter. Sunni, Shia -- they would all fight together against the Americans. "We are sleeping lions," he said. "We're waiting for the time to eat Americans." " read the rest here (you need to watch a ten second commercial if you're not a subscriber. it's worth it, and gets you into all of salon for the rest of the day.) posted by scott 12:33 PM
filmwise and once again, # 7 eludes me. it was sum of all fears last week. fucking aflac. so someone help!! i'm guessing its ben stiller in the feathers, but i have no idea why. posted by scott 9:40 AM
doctor who? From IMDB this morning... Eccleston Is New Dr. Who "Classically trained British actor Christopher Eccleston has been confirmed as Dr. Who for the eagerly awaited new TV series. The 28 Days Later star will be the ninth Dr Who in the cult British show - beating off competition from transvestite comedian Eddie Izzard, Gosford Park actor Richard E Grant and TV favorite Alan Davies, to appear in the first series in 15 tears. Jane Tranter, head of BBC drama, says, "We have chosen one of Britain's finest actors. It signals our intention to take Dr. Who into the 21st century as well as retaining its core, traditional values to be surprising, edgy and eccentric." Filming is due to start in Wales later this spring with the first series airing early next year. " yeah!!! please be on BBC america! what will they do with one of the best scifi theme songs ever?? (please use the orbital remix...) damn, i used to love dr who. posted by scott 8:44 AM
wicked pissa get fuzzy posted by scott 8:37 AM 3.19.2004
friday afternoon fun check this out. scroll down for my answers and comment if you think i was way off or if you have a better idea for any of them. these ** were best guesses... 1. robert redford/the sting** (just not sure at all) 2. nicole kidman/the hours 3. catherine zeta jones/chicago 4. russell crowe/gladiator 5. laurence olivier/hamlet 6. mira sorvino/mighty aphrodite** (the jay leno pic means it couldnt be annie hall, right? '77?) 7. renee zellweger/cold mountain 8. kevin kline/a fish called wanda 9. chris cooper/adaptation 10. marlon brando/on the waterfront** (right?) 11. sissy spacek/coal miners daughter** (big guess here. maybe driving miss daisy?) 12. robin williams/good will hunting 13. sean connery/the untouchables 14. marcia gay harden/pollock** (99.5% sure) 15. peter ustinov/spartacus 16. george c scott/patton** (could be an officer and a gentleman, but there are 3 stars on the helmet) posted by scott 3:00 PM 3.18.2004
sick of getting stuck at red lights? just buy this oh, and can anyone figure out what # 7 is?? posted by scott 8:37 AM 3.16.2004
can you pass the third grade? very fun. map test how many tries did it take? two for me. time ran out. posted by scott 10:04 AM 3.15.2004
got a minute? take a look here. i can't figure out numbers 4 & 7... anyone? posted by scott 10:49 AM 3.12.2004
so whats the most recent book you've finished? what'd ya think? i'm looking for a new one. posted by scott 8:36 AM 3.11.2004
...and in other news
new jersey school board OKs flat earth and green cheese moon lessons whatthefuck? posted by scott 7:59 AM 3.10.2004
i'm going with george huff jennifer hudson leah labelle and susan vulaca but who the fuck knows. a guy at work here pointed out that there are only a couple of guys in the top 12, so maybe paula will pick matt instead. or maybe america will vote jon on. find out later, i guess. posted by scott 1:36 PM
headline of the day
N.Y. City man forced to give up monkeys six little monkeys and a tarantula... isn't that a beck song? posted by scott 12:40 PM 3.09.2004
well shit, those three went fast...
paul winfield, robert pastorelli, and spalding gray damn. i love swimming to cambodia, monster in a box, and grays anatomy. it sucks there won't be another monologue to look forward to. posted by scott 11:46 AM 3.08.20043.05.2004
hey lady next to me...
shut the fuck up about the goddamned apprentice already!!! posted by scott 2:13 PM
probably best never to forget this:
chernobyl her english is bad, but the pics are good. and man, is it freaky. posted by scott 1:49 PM
jim had this comment about the previous post:
"The Constitution is supposed to give people rights not take them away. This whole issue is just ridiculous. The people against it just sound completely ignorant and stupid. Are any of the presidential candidates for allowing gay marriage? As far as I know they are all for the civil union and the banning of "gay marriage". Georgie has gots to go." i originally replied in the comments, but wanted to put it on here. first off, the only real candidates at this point are really kerry and bush, and we know how bush feels. kerry is against gay marriage, but for civil unions. he is also rightly calling out the president for using our constitution for political gain. you know if it wasn't this, it would be abortion, or pledging alliegance to god, or some other fucking wedge issue that helps to avoid the things that bush has tanked, like jobs and the economy. the issue people seem to be overlooking here is that a few short months ago, it was still a big deal that dean had made civil unions legal in vermont! now everyone is for civil unions and against gay marriage. so when the dust settles, it looks to me that either way the homosexual community will have taken a huge step forward. if all states recognize civil unions, then this whole brouhaha will have been pretty damn sucessful. i applaud the mayors of these cities that are basically organizing enormous acts of civil disobedience and honestly putting their careers at stake to shed light on a major flaw in the laws of our land. i would hope that the few people reading this, married or no, recognize the fact that a couple in love, whatever combination of men or women, should be granted equal rights. now, for fucks sake. and i'm not talking about polygamy or bestiality. if the law grants two people certain rights when they enter into an agreement, it should extend those rights to all. arguing that the next step is bestiality or polygamy is like arguing that dogs should be able to get drivers licences, or that three people should hold the office of president at once. many of the religious right argue that one of the main reasons for marriage is procreation, the survival of the species. if thats the case, then why are they against polygamy? better odds there. but i digress... personally, i think the only way to ever solve this issue, and its something that will never happen in our lifetime, or our childrens childrens lifetime for that matter, is to do away with marriage as a state institution altogether. a couple enters into a civil union of the state, and is then given all the rights any married couple today has. you can then get married by a pedop...priest in a church on sunday, or by a druid in the woods on the vernal equinox. you are granted the right to celebrate or consummate your civil union in any way you or your religion sees fit, and it does not affect the rights your civil union has afforded you. i dont mean to sound like im against marriage at all, im just against discrimination. it's all just so frustrating. separation of church and state. equal rights. now. please? posted by scott 8:36 AM 3.04.2004
jesus, this is scary
voting machines not exactly you're gonna need to see the quiznos things scary, but fucked up nonetheless. posted by scott 3:27 PM 3.03.2004
idol again
another tough one last night. no sure things. no one was awesome, a couple were horrible. i'm gonna go with george huff and susan vulaca. angie thinks its gonna be george and jasmine we'll see. no one exceptional, but i think george has the best voice out of all of 'em. posted by scott 10:53 AM 3.01.2004 |
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